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Zum Weiterlesen

  1. Hermann Karcher, Konrad Polthier: Touching Soap Films: An Introduction to Minimal Surfaces. Freie Universität Berlin.
  2. Jost-Hinrich Eschenburg, Jürgen Jost: Differen­tial­geo­metrie und Minimalflächen. Springer (2007).
  3. Georg Glaeser, Konrad Polthier: Bilder der Mathe­ma­tik / A mathematical picture book. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag / Springer (2009/2014), Kapitel 8.
  4. Stefan Hildebrandt, Anthony Tromba: Kugel, Kreis und Seifenblasen: Optimale Formen in Geometrie und Natur / The Parsimonious universe. Shape and form in the natural world. Birkhäuser / Springer (1996), Kapitel 5.
  5. Tobias Holck Colding; William P. Minicozzi II: A course in minimal surfaces. Graduate Studies in Mathe­matics 121. Providence, RI: American Mathe­matical Society (2011).
  6. Ulrich Dierkes, Stefan Hildebrandt, Albrecht Küster, Ort­win Wohlrab: Minimal Surfaces I / Minimal Surfaces II. Springer (1992).


  2. Eric W. Weisstein: Plateau's Problem. MathWorld – A Wolfram Web Resource.
  5. Eric W. Weisstein: Costa Minimal Surface. MathWorld – A Wolfram Web Resource.
  6. Matthias Weber: Minimal Surface Gallery. Indiana University, USA.

Mathematische Artikel

  1. Jesse Douglas: Solution of the problem of Plateau. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 33 (1931), S. 263–321.
  2. Tibor Radó: On Plateau's problem. The Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 31, Vol. 31 (1930), S. 457–469.
  3. Celso Costa: Example of a complete minimal immersion in ℝ³ of genus one and three embedded ends. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, Vol. 15 (1984), S. 47–54.
  4. 2010 Veblen Price. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 57, Nr. 4 (2010). (Der Text enthält viele Referenzen zu den Arbeiten von T. Colding und W. Minicozzi.)